Dream house, dream life, yeah right. Dream on…

Posts tagged ‘stained’


Is it restoration when the original wasn’t in bad condition, especially cosmetically?

I actually finished my shadow chest of drawers just at the end of the Summer holidays, after being delayed by the swirling drifts of wisteria flowers and elm seeds in Spring and then hottest Summer in decades. Now the cold of Winter has set in maybe I’ll actually get it posted.

I came across this chest of drawers at a garage sale in October.

original golden pine.

They needed a new runner ($0.90 at Bunnings), and the base in one drawer was broken but otherwise was in very good condition. But I didn’t want orange pine in my bedroom (or anywhere else in the house for that matter.}

So I sanded the varnish right back, bought some stain, and started to play.

First was the staining. Wenge is a dark greyish colour, like walnut without the red undertone. I loved it. Two very light (diluted) coats.chest-inspire

This position in the drive inspired me and so I started to play some more. I also had this wonderful burn pile buffet stained image from Sawdust & Embryos, in the back of mind.


Armed with some wisteria leaves, some charcoal, a small paintbrush and some walnut and wenge stain mixed together,I began.


A close up as it was drying. I actually learned to put less on the brush and so have less bleeding. I also dry brushed a lot of the edges again.


chest-before-varnishI’ve put this photo in because it’s a very  close match to the actual colour. Once it came inside and was varnished it seems to  glow reddish in the photos, but it is really like a glossy version of the above.

chest-done2Ta Dah!




I’m pretty pleased with it as a first attempt. Now to do the 1970s  bedside drawers to match 🙂

I was inspired by the burn pile buffet at Sawdust and Embryos

Sharing with the amazing DIYers at the link party with Traci at Beneath My Heart



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Dream house, dream life, yeah right. Dream on...


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Unlikely Explanations

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